"Hero" composition

Created by Erin 11 years ago
Everyone is reminded... This is not the best of writing, but it's from my heart. Wrote this about a year ago. Erin Heckman English 101 TW Prof. McKeon February 2, 2011 Franny "I'm going to give you a little advice. There's a force in the universe that makes things happen. And all you have to do is get in touch with it, stop thinking, let things happen, and be the ball.” - Chevy Chase, in “Caddy Shack”. Live life, worry less, and stay strong. That’s what he actually means right? Although “Caddy Shack” might be that comic movie I constantly hear quoted from my stepdad, the advice Chevy Chase effortlessly presents significantly impacted me and represents how my stepdad, Fran, has influenced me. I have not, and probably will not, ever meet someone who shares the common traits Fran and I have. In the time I have known him, I learned that we may have a significant difference in age or may even be of the opposite sex. This means nothing in our demeanor. Our trains of thought regarding work, education, money, and major decisions are almost identical. Fran impacts how I take in my surroundings and react for the future. He has been both successful and inspirational to me. Fran is someone I can learn from and use as an example for myself to use later. As my mentor, the knowledge I can learn from him is limitless. Ever get that lost, sinking, dreadfully nervous, feeling as you are trying to present or perform for your peers? Unfortunately, I was victim to this unwanted sensation more then once or twice. It seemed to plague me, even as I grew older, but over the course of the last few years Fran proved to be a supportive aid in helping to overcome my fear. I may not be a professional when it comes to standing in front of a crowd, but I have improved substantially. Discussions we have shared always seem to be my support when I feel the slightest sign of weakness in the pit of my stomach. Being in front of a group can be difficult, but if my “big, strong, stepdad” can do it, why cant I? When you are faced with some of the most difficult challenges in life, it isn’t always easy to stay strong, both physically and emotionally. I have been witness to Fran facing one of the most difficult challenges imaginable for almost ten years now. Although being diagnosed with cancer, he has lived everyday to the fullest and has never given up the fight. Hair loss, weakness, weight loss, bodily miss function, pain, or anything else unwanted imaginable never stops him from shinning. He still finds room in his heart to stay positive and be the best dad, husband, brother, and boss he can be. If that isn’t an inspiration to someone, I am not sure what is. We aren’t handed a “guidelines to life” or a “life for dummies” book when we are born, so it’s no wonder we all turn out different. Some people though, can step in your life, guide you, and leave an everlasting impact upon you. Franny has given me the guidance to live every day to the fullest, and helped me to overcome obstacles that took him longer to learn himself. With his help, I have also learned to take a step back sometimes and see what “real” problems are. His taxing battle over ten years means a lot more to me than the gossip that spreads like wildfire in school, or the day that doesn’t seem to be ending up exactly as I had planned. Meaning, importance, and value are all impacted through the outlook I have on Fran. With Fran’s guidance, I’m living my life, I’ve matured, and I’m letting things happen; I am becoming the ball.